Monday 5 September 2011

Locker v1.0

Ever want to lock some file in your mobile phone ? Now you can protect your private file with Locker. Locker is a file locking and unlock midlet. The midlet is protected by password. User can lock any file in their phone like image file, video file or audio file so that other will not be able to open the file. User can restore the file back using the unlock function. Midlet password is changeable.

Try our Demo version [which can lock one file] if you are not sure whether your phone support. Please back up the file to your computer before locking it, we do not take any responsibility if you can`t unlock it back or file get corrupted. The locking mechanism is simple, so do not use it if you want to protect your file from a professional hacker. Locker is suitable to lock jpeg, gif, png, amr, wav, 3gp files but can not lock mp3, text and pdf file.


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